保養做臉程序秘辛大公開 | My Monthly Skincare Calendar
My Monthly Skincare Calendar - start on the first weekend after the end of the menstrual cycle
Tools I use:
Microderm GLO Mini Facial Vacuum Pore Cleaner & Minimizer Tool
LED Light Therapy and ION Steam (I did not purchase from this site, but this is the only English description I can find on the model I use.)
日間保養 Daytime Routine:
洗臉 / 木瓜酵素凍膜 Face Wash
化妝水 Toner
精華液 Serum
水凝霜 Gel Cream
防曬 Sunscreen
夜間保養 Night Time Routine: 邁入熟齡日常保養分享 | Best Skincare Routine
卸妝 Makeup Remover
洗臉 / 木瓜酵素凍膜 Face Wash
化妝水 Toner
精華液 Serum
面霜或保養油 Cream or Squalane Oil