Hekatê's Potion Cabinet

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簡單自製維他命C精華液紙面膜 | Easy DIY Vitamin C & HA Serum Sheet Mask

保養品成分功效最佳五大推薦 | My Top 5 Active Skincare Ingredients

自製保養清潔最佳五大推薦 | My Top 5 DIY Recipes

保養做臉程序秘辛大公開 | My Monthly Skincare Calendar

Aqueous solution of vitamin C is notorious for having a short shelf life, but it doesn’t have to be off limits to homemade skincare. One of my earliest Vitamin C Mud Mask Powder recipe is still one of my favorite ways to add this naughty yet de-light-ful (yes, pun for its lightening effects) active ingredients into my routine.

For this particular vitamin C & HA serum, I like to use it to soak my sheet mask and use once or twice per week. This allows me to finish the bottle within 2~3 months. I sometimes use it for nano-needling in lieu of my DIY Epidermal Growth Factor Ampoule Solution. Since I do like to add a potent amount of active ingredients in my solution, I do find it a tad irritating for microneedling on my skin. You can of course reduce the amount of L-ascorbic acid powder.

Besides HA, I’ve also added collagen powder to give the serum some extra body. If you find it too sticky, you can opt out for a more fluid solution. I find the added jelliness allows the serum to hold onto sheet masks better.

To create this delight (again, pun intended), simply put everything together and stir away. I usually use a handheld electric milk frother to stir. You can also let it sit for a day, as HA and collagen powder take a while to completely dissolve.


  • 玻尿酸粉 Hyaluronic Acid Powder 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

  • 膠原蛋白粉 Collagen Powder 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

  • 維他命C粉 L-Ascorbic Acid 10ml | 2 tsp 茶匙

  • 花水 Hydrasol 30ml

  • 水 Water 80ml

複方抗菌劑 Broad Spectrum Preservatives 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙 (或依產品建議比例,一般北美DIY部落客建議Liquid Germall Plus這個品牌)

更多自製 精華液 More DIY Serums:


Lotion Crafter