Hekatê's Potion Cabinet

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居家頂級臉部Spa程序分享,半邊歪臉大體驗 | My Staycation Spa Routine on Hubby

保養品成分功效最佳五大推薦 | My Top 5 Active Skincare Ingredients

認識保養健康新理念 Microbiome 正常菌群 | 美白修護抗老升級

細紋、斑點、毛孔大、疤痕、鬆弛通通有解 | 我的免醫美保養祕技大公開

A coworker suggested that I film this “experiment” - to perform my skincare routine on half of my hubby’s face for a week and see if it would make a difference. We were both pleasantly surprised by the results!

Results that we noticed:

  • Skin appears brighter

  • Crows feet & fine lines decrease

  • Smaller undereye bag

  • Cheek appears lifted

  • Jaw line appears more lifted and prominent

I went all out on day one to give him a deep cleanse and triple exfoliation with microdermabrasion, a light acid peel mask and pore extraction. I don’t always combine all three in one session on myself. However, because he has relatively thick virgin skin, I decided to perform a good scrub down for better results. Since he’s always been quite a wuss (hehe) when it comes to pricks and pinches, I applied a 5% lidocaine numbing cream for about 20 minutes to prep his skin for 0.75mm microneedling. I lightly (no bleeding) rolled over his frowning and twitching face and applied a sheet mask right after.

第一天微針保養程序 & 產品 Day 1 Routine and Products Used:

  1. 洗臉 Face Wash 自製美白果酸潔顏慕斯 | DIY AHA + BHA Foaming Face Wash

  2. 晶鑽微雕去角質 Microdermabrasion Microderm Mini

  3. 清除鼻頭粉刺 Pore Extraction 鏟皮機 | Skin Scrubber

  4. 輕果酸煥膚面膜 Light Acid Peel Mask Lixirskin Peel Express

  5. 敷麻藥膏 Numbing Cream with Lidocaine

  6. 微針滾輪 Microneedling Gin Amber Derma Roller

  7. EGF生長因子精華 DIY Epidermal Growth Factor Ampoule Solution

  8. 紙面膜 Sheet Mask with 自製清爽無油保濕青春露 | DIY Anti Aging Wrinkle Treatment Essence

  9. 高周波電療棒美容儀 High Frequency Electrotherapy Wand

  10. 自製藍銅胜肽保濕抗老精華液 | DIY Copper Peptide GHK-Cu Serum (coming soon)

  11. Gelovery 六秒瞬效膠囊面膜

  12. 自製極致修護保濕厚乳霜 | 杜絕乾癢 DIY Nourishing Rescue Cream

  13. LED面膜 LED Mask 彩光冷熱噴光譜儀/面膜儀 | 7 Color LED Face Light Therapy Mask LED Mask

平日保養流程 Daily Routine on Day 2 ~ 6:

  1. 洗臉 Face Wash 自製美白果酸潔顏慕斯 | DIY AHA + BHA Foaming Face Wash

  2. 化妝水 Toner 自製清爽無油保濕青春露 | DIY Anti Aging Wrinkle Treatment Essence

  3. 自製藍銅胜肽保濕抗老精華液 | DIY Copper Peptide GHK-Cu Serum (coming soon)

  4. 面霜 Gel Cream 自製雙倍抗皺 Q10 水凝霜 | DIY Double Anti-Aging Q10 Gel Cream

  5. 防曬 ( 白天 ) Sunscreen (Daytime Only) 雅漾全效極護控油清爽防曬液SPF50+ | Avène Sun Cleanance Sunscreen SPF50+

奈米微針導入體驗 Day 7 Routine and Products Used:

  1. 洗臉 Face Wash 自製美白果酸潔顏慕斯 | DIY AHA + BHA Foaming Face Wash

  2. 輕果酸煥膚面膜 Light Acid Peel Mask Lixirskin Peel Express

  3. 紙面膜 Sheet Mask with 自製清爽無油保濕青春露 | DIY Anti Aging Wrinkle Treatment Essence

  4. 奈米微針 Nano Needling with DIY Copper Peptide GHK-Cu Serum (coming soon)

  5. 高周波電療棒美容儀 High Frequency Electrotherapy Wand

  6. 自製極致修護保濕厚乳霜 | 杜絕乾癢 DIY Nourishing Rescue Cream

  7. LED面膜 LED Mask 彩光冷熱噴光譜儀/面膜儀 | 7 Color LED Face Light Therapy Mask LED Mask